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[35] Panel presentation, "Ensemble OT Cybersecurity Model for EMS, ADMS, and DERMS in Control Center and Substation," IEEE PES GM, July 2023.

[34] Panel presentation, 2023 Global Symposium on Mobility Innovation Presented by Mcity and UMTRI. (Link)

[33] Conference Track Chair of IEEE ITEC 2023, Detroit, MI, July 2023.

[32] Panel session chair of ICPE 2023 - ECCE Asia, South Korea, May 2023.

[31] Poster/Scholarship/Mentorship/Registration Chair of the 22nd KOCSEA Technical Symposium, Seattle, 2022. 

[30] Presentation, "Implementation of Secure Sampled Value (SeSV) Messages in Substation Automation System," IEEE PES GM, July 2022.

[29] Presentation, "Hidden Markov Models based Anomaly Correlations for the Cyber-Physical Security of EV Charging Stations," IEEE PES GM, July 2022.

[28] Technical Program Committee of the EAI International Conference on Smart Grids for Smart Cities (SGSC 2022).

[27] Best presentation award, "Secure Process Bus Network in Substation Automation Systems," APAP 2021 international conference, Oct. 2021.

[26] Invited presentation, "Cybersecurity for the Future Electric Grid," DTE Energy, July 29, 2021.

[25] Invited presentation, "Cybersecurity of EV charging station," Inha University, July 13, 2021.

[24] Technical Program Committee of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, taking place in Jeju, Korea on October 11-14, 2021.

[23] Panelist (Co-Host) for Husky Bites, "Ahead of the (Cybersecurity) Curve," Husky Bites, Michigan Tech, 2021. (Link)

[22] Invited presentation, "Cybersecurity of EV charging station," Kookmin University, Nov. 18, 2020.

[21] Invited presentation, "Cyber-physical security of digital substations," Myongji University, Nov. 4, 2020.

[20] Invited presentation, "Cybersecurity of grid connected EV chargers," Chungbuk National University, Oct. 2020.

[19] Panel session, “Cybersecurity of High Power EV Charging Station,” in IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technology (ISGT 2020), Washington, DC., USA, Feb. 2020.

[18] Invited presentation, "Cybersecurity of Energy Delivery Systems in North America," LSIS, Aug. 2019

[17] Invited presentation, "Cybersecurity of Energy Delivery Systems in North America," KERI, Aug. 2019

[16] Panel session, “Fault Detection, Isolation and Restoration for Distributed Energy Resourced Integrated Distribution System,” at BIXPO, South Korea, Oct. 2018.
[15] Invited lecture, “Cyber Physical Security of the Substations: Detection and Mitigation,” at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, March, 2018.
[14] Tutorial presentation, “Data-Driven Tools for Cyber Physical Security and Resiliency Assessment,” in IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technology (ISGT 2018), Washington, DC., USA, Feb. 2018.
[13] Technical Program Committee and session chair, “Protection Methods for Transmission Systems,” in 7th International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP2017), South Korea, Oct. 2017.
[12] Invited presentation, “Cyber Security of Microgrids,” at Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO), South Korea, Oct. 2017.
[11] Invited presentation, “Collaborative Defense of Transmission and Distribution Protection and Control Devices Against Cyber Attacks (CoDef),” at Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA, Oct. 2016.

[10] Presentation and demonstration, "Cyber attack detection and mitigation in digital substation," in PAC World Americas, Raleigh NC, Aug. 2016.
[9] Session co-chair and panel presentation, “Cyber and Physical Security of Substations in Smart Cities,” in IEEE SmartGridCommunication Conference 2015, Miami, FL, USA, Dec. 2015.
[8] Presentation and demonstration, “Cyber Physical System Security Assessment Involving Multiple Substations,” in Advanced Grid Modeling Peer Review (by DOE), June 17, Washington DC, USA, 2014.
[7] Presentation and demonstration, “Cyber Physical Security of Substations,” in CityAge event, June 10-11, Seattle, USA, 2014.
[6] Oral presentation, “Cyber Physical System Security Assessment Involving Multiple Substations,” in Next Generation Grid Data Architecture Meeting at University of Tennessee, March 13, Knoxville, USA, 2014.
[5] Poster presentation, “Cyber-Physical System Security for Power Grid,” in WSUi3 event, September 26, Seattle, USA, 2013.
[4] Oral presentation, “Integrated Anomaly Detection for Cyber Security of the Substations,” in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2013.

[3] Student poster contest presentation, “Mitigation Measures Against Cyber Intrusions at the Substations,” in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2013.
[2] Student poster contest presentation, “Cyber-Physical Security in a Substation,” in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2012.
[1] Student poster contest presentation, “An Intrusion and Defense Testbed in a Cyber- Power system Environment,” in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, July 2011.

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